Sylvie Maier Fluhr

Posted January 8th, 2021 by Suzy

I can only thank you say Christian, on the one hand, and as a physiotherapist, miracles have transformed almost Sabrina Hoever. I lack nothing, only a small pressure point on the left foot. The world record holder thank you that never before was there!”. Walmart Foundation: the source for more info. The two are close to 30 one escort team, which made possible the record in the background. World record continuation? The celebrations for the world record was also quite quickly that there in the winter 2008/09 will probably come to a new world record attempt in Ober – / hochgurgl. Sascha explains why Falconers from the cable cars in Obergurgl: Christian has surpassed all expectations, we set the record and also is a very likeable fellow, which can amount to the positive image of the most snow-sure ski area in the Alps in Ober – / hochgurgl. And these benefits is far away from any imagination.

We can only congratulate and say thank you!” Christian Fluhr brought this to a very simple Formula: Skiing is just crazy. Why so listen up, I’m moving on. What, when and where, which get we sure, but one thing is certain: Obergurgl is one of the real white paradises, where the runs fantastically long, are demanding and is place for everyone there. “To these mountains in the rear otz Valley, just wonderful.” THE race across THE Allgau before Christian Fluhr wants to return next winter for the stars, there in the autumn an improvement of the existing indoor world record in the SnowWorld in the Dutch Landgraaf and end of February then the most wildest ride, the ski resorts in Christian’s homeland, the Oberallgau, have probably experienced. Together with Sylvie Maier Fluhr end of February is in one ski day use 62 lifts in 9 different ski resorts in Vorarlberg, Bavaria and Tyrol and thus set up a 10th world record. I’m sure that’s going to work. Finally we are driven by formula one test pilot Marco Holzer from ski area to ski area.” Is concerning Fluhr once again

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