At this time, I try not to think about nothing. Just take a walk, and all (you can of course be replaced walks and meditation, but a walk in the fresh air is much nicer and healthier). After 10-15 minutes of walking, when I completely relax and tune in to see me start to come a variety of thoughts, ideas and options various solutions of my problems. And I want to tell you that come to these thoughts and ideas with the most intensive work would never close and have not appeared in my life. That is, relaxing and going into a kind of meditative state, I begin to receive information directly from his subconscious and intuition. In this case, consciousness is only for receiving and storing information received. I will not boast, except to say that almost every day at a time come these thoughts, by which I am for the day is increasing its revenue by 2 times, getting rid of a couple of hours from anyone, even a chronic illness, decide any, even the most complex life challenges. And all this without the effort and stress.
Here appropriate to cite an example, saying "Laziness – the engine of progress." A person who works from morning till night and did not pay attention to your inner voice, at best, earn the respect of their parents and the title Honorary and Distinguished workaholic. But the man who works less, but feels and listens to him more, maybe being branded in their environment or lucky lucky man, who did not clear for others Why is everything for what he did not take. Workaholic adheres to the principle of "more and harder I work, the more achieved." A lucky – I'd better think about it a few hours, but then do an action to workaholic who never figured out. " Luck will always win, because he uses intuition and is always one of its action beats straight to the point. He always works less and gets more. Whereas workaholic digs "from here until the evening, not looking around and not listening to their feelings.
You can say so, that workaholism – the inability to reflect, analyze, make decisions and listen to your intuition. Workaholic, in principle, can become successful and wealthy man. But this will give him such efforts, that joy and pleasure from this, he certainly never will. Use the services of its Intuition is very, very simple. If you are confident in their positive attitude and believe in yourself and your strength, then you have to make the right decision to just relax and listen to ourselves, I want you to do it or not. If want to – go ahead, your soul always acts in tandem with intuition. If you feel mistrust or doubt about the decision, feel free to give it up. And you will be helpful on this intuition and pleasant.