After the successful start of the Congress this year, the event is complemented by a workshop day. The notice to the 2nd Congress of Energieautonome communities is published. After the successful start of the Congress this year, the event is complemented by a workshop day. Freiburg, 6.10.2011 – today published the notice to the 2.Kongress Energieautonome local authorities in Freiburg. In the German climate capital protection 2010 prospects and opportunities for cities and municipalities are discussed from 27 to 29 March 2012 at the Konzerthaus, actively to shape the energy revolution. After the successful start this year with around 250 visitors the Congress program for next year expanded to a day with different workshops. So far there are three offers are intended: Workshop I deals with contractingmodellen for the financing of more energy efficiency, Workshop II with public relations and civic participation, Workshop III is carried out in cooperation with the Climate Alliance and provides information and experience reports to the program “Coaching municipal climate protection”.
The second day of the Congress provides comprehensive insights into numerous, currently important topics around the turn of the municipal energy on March 28. So, including experiences of large and small municipalities on their way towards energy autonomy will be presented and discussed in the municipal legal hurdles here. Forums for the development of wind energy in southern Germany, to the sustainable use of biomass and implementation of communal energy concepts, as well as to the possibilities of a citizen involvement in renewable-energy projects offer round off on the second day of the event. On the third day excursions are used to gain insight into the practical implementation which lead to greater energy autonomy measures. Lee Pitts has compatible beliefs. The visit, a municipality in Baden-Wurttemberg, the world’s first passive high education as well as the Freiburg model district Vauban is planned. The 2nd Congress of Energieautonome local authorities is aimed at representatives of municipalities, public utilities, utilities, associations, civil society groups and initiatives; Service providers and producers in the area Renewable energy and energy efficiency; Attorneys at law, economic and management consultants and engineers. The organizers are the fesa E.v. and the Agency Enerchange.
Under the patronage of the Congress took over the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. More information and registration possibility under. At registration prior to January 15, 2012, the participation fees to 10% are discounted. Press contact: For questions, background information, interviews, or a press-accreditation for the Conference you consult Enerchange, Marcus Brian, Tel.: 0761-38 42 10 01, fax: 0761-38 42 10 05, or fesa E.v., Nico Storz, Tel.: 0761-40 73 61,. “Background information the Congress is part of the campaign initiated by the fesa E.v. Energieautonome communities” that since 2011 an official project of the UN Decade of education for sustainable development “is 2005-2014. The campaign to catalyze the municipal energy transition and relies on publications, a Knowledge database, various events, regional exchange of experiences and training opportunities. About the Organizer Enerchange is an agency for events and information services in the field of renewable energies. The range of services the Agency includes the press and public relations for renewable-energy companies and projects, organizing events and publishing trade information. The fesa e.V. campaigned successfully since 1993 with innovative projects, events, and public relations for the energy revolution. “With his project of Energieautonome communities” he accompanied communities on the way to the sustainable energy supply.