the spirit is the energy physics which animates material things as the intangible. The intelligence of the spirit lies in the apprehension of pure essences that are found in objects and beings. Allowing the soul to knowledge of consciousness. The latter occupies spaces empty of mind with all sorts of abstract thoughts and superiors, which acquire high forces of thought. When form in the sensitive experience, which is the foundation of complex aesthetics. Today day can be seen in documentaries of animal intelligence, that the theory of Anaxagoras about the intelligence that sorts things, is not a common theory. Because if intelligence sort things, they participate of this organizing force that is intelligence.
What we cannot deny, is that all human system is exposed to errors. If we are fully aware of this absolute truth. We will be highly far dogmatizing us. As it happens with several of the men, who having matured into a science. Believe unnecessarily have the truth in their hands.
To a when experience shows the contrary. 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo C = 3. 00 X 10 raised to the eighth power M / S, i.e. C = 300000 KM / S. to get an idea of the meaning of this value, we can emphasize that if an object had this speed could give almost 7. 5 laps around the Earth in only a second. On the other hand we must observe that according to Einstein’s relativity theory, the value represents an upper limit to the speed of the bodies. I.e., any material object, can reach a speed equal to or greater than the speed of light. The theory of Anaxagoras is not very clear, the important thing is his contribution to philosophy. 32 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo to the mode of Parmenides. But by the hypothesis of a number of elements, germs or seeds infinity.