
Posted August 14th, 2015 by Suzy

His faithful henchman, Evo Morales, followed in step is wondererous, for having succeeded in his fief as he did, being a total novice. The Aymara Indian is less than snobbery but the pedantry of Venezuela. No South American peasant jumped out of the hut to the palace as Morales. All you owe it to Chavez and what he will tell you. It is ridiculous to think that the Bolivarian rickety can cope with the U.S. and its allies.

But if Russia and Iran adhere to Venezuela, the question takes on another dimension. Certainly Russia, enjoying the best time of prosperity of contemporary life, we will continue to sell weapons, as he did so far, and eventually will step aside. But Venezuela and Iran can ruin your weekend everyone. The U.S. military, which like that of Israel, is not to hurt innocent people, is fighting in Afghanistan since 2001, with approximately 200,000 soldiers. Have better trained staff and the most advanced military technology.

His counterpart, the Taliban, fewer than 30,000, carry outdated, inexpensive but effective AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers and shells, and do not stop being killed because they hide among the villagers in a mountainous desert area and should not be difficult to trace. The AK-47 (Kalashnikov Automat-47) was designed in 1947, hence its name. With the AK-103, more modern machine guns, of which Chavez bought 100,000 units, and wants to set up a factory in Venezuela to provide its minions. The guerrillas Latin Americans can wreak havoc for time untold. The FARC, the armed wing of the Communist Party of Colombia, armed in the dense Amazon jungle, their compatriots are tormenting since 1964. 45 years ago. The better concept used by modern tyrants, is the political correctness in the war. With the latest military equipment, Americans fail to prevail over the enemy, because the liberal media propaganda accusing the democratic states of “genocide” if a customer dies, but does not say the same about the terrorists who deliberately target civilians. This distortion is the cause of the moral dilemma that makes them vulnerable to being handled in the decency and want to live in peace, against Muslim extremists and leftists who want to enslave the world with their poisonous ideas. End of belligerency in the Middle East is difficult because there are millions of blindly abiding conviction a treacherous fundamentalist. In South America, the solution is very simple, just Hugo Chavez is no longer president.

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